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Collective Pause

What is this time asking of us?

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What does it mean to be in a collective pause?

We find ourselves paused, on hold, allowing this microscopic virus to quell a little, spread a little less and, ideally, quiet to the point that all persons who need medical care during the course of this virus can receive the care they need.

What does this collective pause communicate with the inner aspects of the human experience?

Finding stillness in really hard times is not an easy matter for most of us. That deep place inside us that remains quiet and calm is, for some, easily overwhelmed by the day-by-day need to survive as resources are distributed differently than they ever have been before. We are a global community taking a pause and this is new, and therefore, unsettling for many.

Consider during this time of wild change, what remains still - the fabric of the nature of Being, this field of Love. Notice the trees continuing to breathe, fueling life on earth, and the response of Mother Earth as she holds us in our stillness with gifts of clean rivers and blue skies, even in places where this is not the norm. As we pause and allow her to breathe, at the bottom of each exhale there is a space; we are giving Mother Nature a breathing space, a pause between exhale and inhale. This unprecedented stillness of humankind, this collective moment in time is a pure opportunity to reflect on patterns and to allow an unfolding from an inner knowing, and to receive the truth of who we are in our deep awareness; that we may live from this space as life continues to unfold in the coming months, as an interconnected web of intentional Beings.

Times like these invite us to reflect inward, to connect to our inner place of sustenance and knowing, to awaken to the alive nature that infuses the human experience and surrender to the asks. These asks are often heightened at this time, as the programmed fears of the conditioned life experience run unchecked and draw us back to whatever story of fear is most likely to pull our attention. This is a time when fear could be the dominant experience, when ideas about the way it should be could control the thinking patterns and take us for a wild ride.

Or, this is a time when allowing and surrendering can be fully realized and the felt sense of the truth of the common piece that resides underneath it all can be tapped and tasted, leaving a resounding peace in its wake.

Whatever arises in the field of the life, the field of your life, whatever is brought forth is for the One receiving it. Receive it fully. Receive it fully without resistance or constraint or judgment; allow it to percolate through the Being rendering you temporarily in tears, temporarily ecstatic, temporarily whatever is flowing through. Allow it to be, and then to pass through the experience unhindered in its own sweet time.

The unprecedented stillness of this collective moment, the pause of the collective drive, allows for this in an unique and potentially powerful way. Receive this offering in whatever way it arises in the life. The collective whole has the potential to adapt to the this new vibration and a new path forward for humanity could possibly be revealed.

Pure Consciousness meets everything from the Field of Love that is Itself. That Field of Love is the fabric upon which all creation arises. Going inward at a time when there is much more external stimuli is to unravel that which is bound to the story of the life. To allow with pure opening, the receiving of all that is, as a gift from that Divine Matrix of Love which brings it forth as an offering to be seen fully and seen through, is to allow the highest possibility in each moment to be realized.

When the light of Love receives itself this way, the beliefs of the life are released in the Grace of this meeting. When seen fully, the light of consciousness dismantles what was bound. Like a gift being opened and unwrapped, it is freed. The work is in relaxing and surrendering to the depth of the felt experience as an offering of the Beloved, the full depth of the receiving, knowing that the offering is this gift of returning to the true nature of the Source of all that is.

Right Now, root into Love however you feel it, experience it, know it. Allow this experience to expand and grow, fostering in this time of uncertainty the opportunity that is inherent within.

And right Now, if the waves are felt as something else, allow and receive. This is the pathway home.

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